The YES Adventure

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What Do You Need from God?

“When people work, their wages are not a gift, but something they have earned. But people are counted as righteous, not because of their work, but because of their faith in God who forgives sinners.” Romans 4:4-5 NLT

 I’ve learned to be a hard worker from my dad. He is one of the hardest workers I know. Even at almost 85 years old he is always busy. As a child it was rare to see him just relax, enjoy and receive. I developed some of the same tendencies, but we have both gotten better. I am still learning to stop striving and to relax and receive all that God wants to give me. What about you?

God’s love is a gift. We don’t earn it by working hard to please Him or hold back His anger. Salvation is a gift. Jesus bought it and passed it on to all who will receive it. I can’t be good enough to get into heaven.

All good things on earth are a gift. I simply need to receive what God wants to give. But I often feel like I am not working hard enough. Am I trying to deserve all the good God wants to give me? Do you ever feel that way?

Author Joanna Weaver talks about faith and trust in her book Embracing Trust. I’ll summarize the message with this: Faith is what I have. Trust is what I do. Faith in God acts by trusting God. Trust opens my hands to receive what God wants to give. Are my hands open? Are yours?

 What am I working for? As I said, I sometimes feel like I am not working hard enough. Enough for what? Comfort? Safety? Status? God’s favor? I am not sure what drives that feeling. I am grateful that I learned the value of hard work. Yet, hard work for work’s sake is not satisfying.

In past posts I shared that Colossians 3:23-24 was one of the first verses that jumped off the page and into my heart. That verse connected with something I already believed: Work hard. But it connected it with faith: Work hard for the Lord.

That’s all good. But hard work for the Lord to earn His love and favor is not what that verse is about. It’s about working hard in response to receiving God’s love and favor. When I focus on the response rather than receiving, I have disconnected with God. That isn’t what I want, and I know you don’t either.

What does God want to give me? Trust receives. Trust relaxes and stops grabbing for what I need. Trust opens hands and waits. What does God want to put in my hands? Peace. Love. Hope. Provision. His presence, and that is the sweetest gift anyone can receive. I’ve heard the Holy Spirit described as God’s personal presence with us. What a beautiful gift!

More than anything else, I want to “seek the Lord and His strength. Seek His presence continually.” (Psalm 105:4, 1 Chronicles 16:11 NIV) His presence is the greatest prize. But unlike other prizes, I don’t win it by working for it. I win that prize by faith. Faith trusts. I unlock my heart, hold out my open hands and trust that God will give me His presence. And He does. I want that for you, friend. With His presence comes everything else that you and I need.

Are my hands open? Faith trusts and receives. It’s that simple. Whatever action I take must be an expression of faith, a step that illustrates my trust in what I say I believe about God and myself. Open hands accept gifts. Am I receiving the gifts that God wants to give me?

I need to ask myself that question more often that I do. Perhaps that is the question to ask in those moments when I feel like I should be doing more or working harder. Perhaps the question is not “What should I be doing?”, but “God, what do You want to give me?”  

Dear Friend, you don’t need to work harder to receive all that God has for you. He is ready to give you all that you need. The comfort, peace and security you seek may be easier to attain than you think. What if you simply opened your hands and accepted those gifts from God? You can’t earn gifts. They are given as an expression of love and received as an expression of trust in the giver. Trust is the action of faith. Will you trust God and receive what He wants to give you?

 Key Question: Am I open to receive all that God wants to give me?

A Scripture to Consider: “When people work, their wages are not a gift, but something they have earned. But people are counted as righteous, not because of their work, but because of their faith in God who forgives sinners.” Romans 4:4-5 NLT

A YES Challenge: What do you need from God right now? How are you striving to achieve it? Sit with your hands open in front of you for several minutes as a sign of your willingness to stop striving, trust and receive.  

Prayer: Father, I want to please You. I want my life to honor You in every way. Sometimes I struggle to receive all that You want to give me. I still feel the need to work for Your approval and to strive to put my life in order instead of trusting You. Help me to receive by faith all that you want to give me. I open my hands now to receive from You. I am ready. Amen.