The YES Adventure

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Is the Future Good?

“I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say, ‘My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please.’” Isaiah 46:10 NIV

 Ever been in a season of waiting? Like thunderstorm winds, you may find questions rumbling in your brain. What’s next? How is this going to work out? What am I supposed to do? Can’t I make this go any faster?

Tom and I are in a waiting season right now. The only thing we are certain of is that God has said to rest. Rest? What does that mean beyond sleeping and sabbath? We are learning, but the questions still buzz in our brains.

I find comfort in knowing that God holds the answers to all the questions. Much like the circle of calm in the middle of a hurricane, I can stand in peace. Here’s the truth that plants my feet in peace as the winds whip past me.

He knew before.  There is so much comfort in recognizing that God is omniscient. He sees everything. He knows everything. He knows how things will turn out. He knows the future before it happens. He knows the end from the beginning.

Before we entered this waiting season God knew it would make us squirm. He was aware of the struggles we would face. He knew our strengths. He knew our weaknesses. He took it all into account.

The same is true for you, Friend. God was at work in you and your situation before it ever came to pass. He knew what would challenge you and He decided you were up to the challenge.

He knows now. Because God knew before, He is not surprised by now. God knew Tom and I would struggle in the waiting. He isn’t surprised by our circumstances. He isn’t surprised by our reactions. He isn’t surprised by how the people around us respond.

Friend, you may be surprised at what is happening in your life. People you care about may have made shocking choices. The job you counted on suddenly disappeared. The rainy-day you saved for has come and your bank account is depleted. Whatever your situation is God is not surprised. He has prepared you although you may not feel prepared. He is at work although you may not see it. Rest and believe He is walking you through this. Perhaps that’s what God means by a season of rest.

He knows then. Where you and I get tripped up is in trying to figure out how things will end or by trying to make the end we want happen. We get stressed trying to figure out the future. We get stressed attempting to control the end.

I find peace when I trust God is working out the best end. If I believe He is good, I must believe what He does is good. That includes allowing me to struggle through this season. If I believe He is all-powerful, I must believe He can do whatever is needed to resolve circumstances in the best way possible even if that resolution is not what I hoped for.

If I am honest, things don’t always work out the way I think is best. Then I have to go back to the bedrock. God is good. He does good. He loves me.

The truth of the matter, Dear Friend, is you and I can’t control outcomes. We can’t control the economy by making wise financial decisions. We can’t protect future disaster with our vote. We can’t keep our children on the safe path by teaching them what is right. Proverbs are principles, not promises. If we follow the principles, we are not guaranteed the outcome.

So, is it hopeless? No! We can live full of hope because not only does God know the end from the beginning, He is good. That is a rock-solid truth. We can trust that whatever the outcome, even one that looks bad, it will work toward God’s good purpose.

Because the One who does whatever He wishes is good, His wishes for our world are good. It pleases Him to bless His people and bless the world through them. It pleased Him to send Christ on our behalf and allow Him to suffer the consequences of our sin so our broken relationship with God could be restored. God is good. All He does is good, and we can trust that in the end all will be well.

Dear Friend, that’s your future.  

 “Only I can tell you the future before it even happens. Everything I plan will come to pass, for I do whatever I wish.” Isaiah 46:10 NLT

 Key Question: How should I respond to an uncertain future?

A Scripture to Consider: “I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say, ‘My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please.’” Isaiah 46:10 NIV

A YES Challenge: Contemplate your deepest concern right now. What outcome do you hope for? How might you be trying to control the outcome? Open your hands before God as a sign of release. Thank God for His goodness. Invite Him to do as He wishes in that situation.  

Prayer: Father God, I wish I knew how this was all going to turn out. I know what I want and when I want it: Now! But I believe You are good. You have not abandoned me. You are involved in this circumstance even though I can’t see it. I trust that You already know how this is going to turn out and You are at work in the people involved to bring about Your good will. Help me to rest in that knowledge and trust Your goodness. You know the end. You will work it all together for my good and Your glory. Amen.