Who Are You Working For?

“Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people. Remember that the Lord will give you an inheritance as your reward, and that the Master you are serving is Christ.” Colossians 3:23-24 NLT 

Do you ever feel like you are just going through the motions of life? The alarm goes off. You open your heavy eyes and reach your finger to tap it silent. You stare at the ceiling and wonder, “Is this all there is? Where is the more I was meant for?” You drag your feet to the floor and stagger to the bathroom, then the kitchen…and so it starts again. Another empty day of just going through the motions. But is it really empty? Your feelings are loud and strong, but are they true?

Dear Friend, I have learned that in those seasons of wondering “where is the more I was meant for?” I was on the path to more even though I didn’t feel it. And you are, too.  The course correction begins, not in your routine, but in your thinking. Here are a few reminders to help you make the shift. Ready?

The signature on your paycheck is not the point. If you don’t get a paycheck this is still for you. Whether or not you get a paycheck the question remains the same. Who are you working for? Your work serves someone.

I served my family as a stay-at-home mom, the school district as support staff, and the church as a full-time pastor. In every place of service there were times when I wondered if anyone really cared about my work. I sometimes felt unappreciated or unseen or unheard. Ever feel that way? I wondered if what I was doing mattered. I had to remind myself who I was working for.

Colossians 3:23-24 (at the start of this post) was the first verse of Scripture that caught my attention. I didn’t know terminology that would define me as a Christ-follower. I hadn’t learned to point back to my moment of surrender to Christ. I simply began to read the Bible because I found it life-giving. That verse jumped off the page and into my mindset. Whatever I was doing was for the Lord. That was all I needed to keep me motivated as a young believer and it has motivated me through many seasons of seemingly empty days.

Everything you do counts. If you are working for the Lord and not for people, what you do matters! Whether it is cooking meals, changing diapers or calling clients it makes a difference. It is the Lord you are serving as you serve people.

Some tasks may seem routine and meaningless. I get it. I’ve felt it. The more you were meant for is discovered as you surrender the task in obedience. Full surrender through obedience unlocks potential. Your surrender connects you to heavenly power. Your surrender infuses each task with Hs presence. You may not see the result, but His presence makes it holy.

Dear Friend, I wish I could say that what you do counts because those you serve will recognize and appreciate it. I wish I could say that it counts because those you serve value you and your work. But that is not always the case, is it? When you are working for the Lord and not for people His presence is the value.

Think long. It is so difficult when it seems like your work is not appreciated by those you work for. Whether it’s at home or in an office, it is natural to want to be recognized and affirmed. But that doesn’t always happen. How do you handle it when you feel overlooked and under-appreciated?

Step back and remember who you are working for. In the long run, you will be rewarded. Don’t you want to hear “Well done” from Jesus more than your boss? Isn’t your heavenly reward going to be more satisfying than that pay increase or the hoped-for “thank you” from a loved one?

Dear Friend, don’t ignore how you are feeling. If you are dissatisfied and disappointed, that matters. Take the time to acknowledge and process those feelings with God and people you trust. But then, remind yourself, “Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people. Remember that the Lord will give you an inheritance as your reward, and that the Master you are serving is Christ.” Colossians 3:23-24 NLT

Isn’t that a good reason to get out of bed every morning!


Key Question: Who are you working for?

A Scripture to Consider: “Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people. Remember that the Lord will give you an inheritance as your reward, and that the Master you are serving is Christ.” Colossians 3:23-24 NLT

A YES Challenge: Think through the tasks and appointments you have scheduled for this week. Prayerfully review each item with God and invite Him to partner with you throughout your schedule.

Prayer: Father, it’s easy to forget that I am working for You and with You. Your name is not on my paycheck, but each task on my schedule is an opportunity to serve You and Your people. Help me to remember You as I go about my work. Help me to include You in my planning and execution. You are the One I am working for. Amen.