“You didn’t choose me. I chose you. I appointed you to go and produce lasting fruit, so that the Father will give you whatever you ask for, using my name. This is my command: Love each other.” John 15:16-17 NLT
As a kid, one of my least favorite school moments was gym class team choosing. Lacking athletic talent, I knew I would be among the last ones chosen. From the beginning I knew I was not wanted. That’s not a good feeling. Can you relate?
But in God’s family it’s different. God chose me to be part of His team, His family. He wants me. And God chose you, too, my friend. He chose you and called you His own. He chose you to love you first. And part of that love is inviting you to join Him in His mission of redeeming lost humanity into relationship with Himself. He chose you to join Him on His team. How exciting is that?
God chose you to love you. That is the first thing to remember. God chose you and redeemed you to restore your broken relationship with Him. He loves you and wants to pour that love out on you. He wants you to experience that love every day. You fit into His plan of redemption by being redeemed! Let Him show you how much He loves you.
God’s love for you means He wants you to be involved in what He is doing on the earth. He chose you to love you and wants to include you in His plans.
My favorite thing to do is to hang out with my husband. Because I love him I want to be part of his life and what he is doing. I also want him to be part of what I am doing. We support each other by sharing the load. There are times when I come alongside him in a task he has to accomplish, like special work events or home projects.And then, there are times when he comes alongside me in what I am doing. We share the tasks because of our love for each other.
God wants you to be part of what He is doing because He loves you. You are not just means to an end, or a servant to be ordered around. You are a beloved child that He wants to include in His mission. Join Him!
God’s invitation is about receiving and giving His love, not getting things done. Serving God is not about checking things off a task list. Serving God and joining Him in His mission is about spreading the message of His love. You are part of scattering seed. But it’s more like scattering rose petals. You spread the fragrance of Christ wherever you go. You spread the blanket of His love over those you touch and invite them to come in. Your goals are part of that mission. As you plan what to do, keep that in mind.
Dear friend, remember that you are chosen by the King of the Universe to be loved and to share His love. Keeping that in mind makes your goals more than just tasks to accomplish. They are filled with meaning, purpose, and joy. Your goals are part of His goals. You are part of His team, His family. That’s a team worth being part of!
Key Question: How does God want me to join Him in His mission?
A Scripture to Consider: “You didn’t choose me. I chose you. I appointed you to go and produce lasting fruit, so that the Father will give you whatever you ask for, using my name. This is my command: Love each other.” John 15:16-17 NLT
A YES Challenge: Prayerfully review some goals you recently set. Allow the Holy Spirit to help you evaluate how they fit into God’s mission of redemption. Adjust them as needed.
Prayer: Lord, it is so easy to get caught up in making plans. I want to do so much for You. Sometimes I lose track of Your mission to redeem humanity from our broken relationship with You. Help me remember that my goals must fit with Your mission. Show me how You want me to fit in to Your plans and bear fruit that will last. Amen.