Do you really know yourself? Do you know what motivates your choices? Your fears? Worries? Anxieties? Strengths? Joys? What do you know about yourself today that you didn't know a year ago? How did you learn it? What are you still working on? What are some areas you know you struggle in?
Take some time to reflect. Think back. It really is important. When we can look back and see how we've grown it encourages us to keep growing. And also, when we see where we keep tripping it can help us to make necessary course corrections so that we can get back on track.
This adventure of saying YES to God encompasses every area of life. But if we don't take time to let the Holy Spirit guide our thoughts and reveal ourselves to ourselves, we won't be sure of where we have already said YES to God and where we have a hard time saying YES.
This YES adventure is a journey of self-discovery as much as it is a journey of God-discovery. The only way to truly know myself is to let the One who knows me best tell me who I am.
Maybe you are going through a difficult time in your life right now. During those kinds of times we need an anchor to keep us from drifting away as we are tossed by the storm. We need to know who God is and who we are. During a stormy time in my life I heard a song that gave me an anchor to hold onto. The song was "Who am I?" by Casting Crowns and the answer that was my anchor, "I am Yours." (Click the link. Maybe you need this anchor today.)
Whatever you are going through today, know this about yourself, you are His and He knows how to take care of His own.
Key thought: Learning to know myself is part of my adventure of saying YES to God.
A Scripture to Consider: Psalm 119:33-35
"Teach me your decrees, O Lord; I will keep them to the end. Give me understanding and I will obey your instructions; I will put them into practice with all my heart. Make me walk along the path of your commands, for that is where my happiness is found."
A YES challenge: Ask God to help you know yourself better.
Lord, I never thought about it that way, that knowing myself is actually part of knowing You. Give me the courage to let You show me what I need to know about myself. The good, the bad and the ugly. Help me to walk with You through the process of self-discovery so that I can be and do all that You want for me. Amen.