Listening to His Voice in the Whirlwind of Life

Doesn't life feel like a whirlwind sometime? Amidst household chores, family needs, ministry responsibilities, community concerns and a myriad of other things that call for our attention, it's hard to know where to turn our eyes and ears. So many voices that blend into one loud roar. How do I know which voice to focus on so that I know where to turn my energy? Sound familiar?

I like checklists. I like being able to mark off a task that has been completed. It makes me feel successful, like I am accomplishing something, making a difference. What about you? Maybe you are someone who just kind of goes with the flow. Whatever calls for your attention first is the way you will turn. That works too, but are either of these the best way to know which voice in the whirlwind is the priority? 

I know that one of my weaknesses is to become task-oriented rather than Spirit oriented or people-oriented. I can apply my checklist mentality to my ministry and even to my relationship with God. You know..."Devotions. Check. Serve. Check. Prayer. Check." I do the things that I think I am supposed to do, but lose track of why and Who I am doing it for. I have come to realize that I am in desperate need of hearing God's voice. His voice is the manifestation of His presence, the word of His Spirit to my heart and to yours. 

The only way that we can hear the voice of God is to take time to listen.  Our schedules don't often leave room for reflection and quiet, but we can actively learn to quiet our hearts and listen for His voice in the midst of the whirlwind of activities. It takes discipline for us task-oriented types to set aside the checklist and offer our hearts to God. But it is only when we hear His voice that we know our priorities. We need our priorities to be His priorities. We need His strength to accomplish His purposes. Without His presence in our lives, we can not do His work effectively in our families or in our places of service. His voice, His Spirit, His presence, are our bread and water. They are the nourishment I need to become all that He wants me to be. I can only access that nourishment when II quiet my heart to hear Him.

What about you?

Key thought: I need to quiet my heart to hear His voice in the whirlwind. 

A Scripture to consider: I Kings 19: 11-13

The LORD said, “Go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the LORD, for the LORD is about to pass by.” Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the LORD, but the LORD was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the LORD was not in the earthquake. After the earthquake came a fire, but the LORD was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper. When Elijah heard it, he pulled his cloak over his face and went out and stood at the mouth of the cave. Then a voice said to him, “What are you doing here, Elijah?”  1 Kings 19:11-13 NIV

A YES challenge: How can you learn to quiet your heart and hear God's voice in the midst of your daily life?

Dear Lord, forgive me for not taking time to hear Your voice. I want my priorities to match Your priorities  Help me learn to hear Your voice and experience Your presence in the middle of all the other voices calling for my attention. I am in desperate need of You! Amen.