The YES Adventure

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Three Things I’ve Learned About Distraction

Hello, Friends! I have been spending this week at a conference and writing time is limited. But let me encourage you with these three thoughts I’ve learned about distractions when it comes to accomplishing your God-given purpose. Your purpose is more than checking things off a list. Your purpose involves God, people and love. Anything else is just stuff.

1. People are not a distraction. People are your purpose. Your purpose and mine will always be a derivative of Jesus’ stated purpose, “To seek and save the lost.” (Luke 19:10) The things on your God-ordained to-do list are meant to serve people, not the other way around. I can be task-oriented at times. This is a biggie for me!

2. When you re-arrange your schedule for the sake of relationship you are accomplishing your purpose. Why? See point number one. If you rearrange your planned tasks in order to spend time with a family member or someone who needs you, you are accomplishing your purpose. Kudos to you! 

3. Purpose over perfection. I like things done well. Sometimes that can lead me toward perfectionism. In evaluating the success of a task or event, I’ve learned to look past the mistakes and slip-ups and ask, “Did this accomplish our intended purpose for the people involved?” As long as I can say, “Yes” to that the event was a success no matter what went wrong. 

Dear One, purpose is bigger than accomplishments. Accomplishments are nice, but they don’t necessarilly fulfill purpose. Review your to-do list in terms of people served and you will find that you are accomplishing so much more than you think. Your God-ordained purpose is not about doing something. It’s about loving and serving someone in Jesus’ name. Be blessed!

Key thought: People are your purpose. 

A Scripture to consider“You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love. For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ ” ‭‭Galatians‬ ‭5:13-14‬ ‭NIV‬‬

A YES challenge: Prayerfully review the last couple of days. Notice when you put people over tasks. Ask God to show you how you accomplished His purpose for the people in your life. 

Prayer: Lord, I want to accomplish Your purpose for my life. Help me to remember that Your purpose will always be about people. Amen.