The YES Adventure

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How To Handle A Season Of Uncertainty

“Instead, he gave up his divine privileges; he took the humble position of a slave and was born as a human being. ‭Philippians‬ ‭2:7‬ ‭NLT‬‬

The most certain thing we are experiencing these days is uncertainty, right? It’s hard to know from day to day what will change, what new guidelines will be coming out from authorities, what awful thing will have happened somewhere that will affect the whole nation or world, what natural disaster may have robbed people of their homes and security. Uncertainty is certainly certain.   

When we don’t know what a day will bring, it can be hard to know what to focus on. I don’t know about you, but I find it easy to slip into “survival mode” and just pay attention to what is yelling loudest. Just getting through the day can seem like the best way to deal with it, but in the process we can lose track of long-term purpose. I have most definitely been there, but I have come to believe that there is a better way. 

Jesus’ times were just as uncertain as ours, but He showed us how to do more than just survive uncertainty. He stayed focused on purpose. He knew exactly why He came and stayed focused on fulfilling the purpose He was born for. 

Jesus let go of His place. He let go of what was rightfully His. “He gave up His divine privileges....” In order to fulfill the purpose He was born for there were things that Jesus needed to leave behind. They were good things, even great things, but holding onto His rightful place would not enable Him to fulfill His purpose. So, He left it all. The power. The privilege. He laid aside what was His and took up PURPOSE. He focused on what mattered. 

Are there some things that you are trying to hold onto in order to establish a sense of security in uncertainty? Uncertainty comes in many forms. It could be from the world situation, but it could be from someone else’s choices. Maybe a family member is changing the dynamics of your whole family by their decisions. Or your finances suddenly dry up. Or you get a diagnosis from the doctor that requires a radical life adjustment. It catches you by surprise. It causes you pain. It makes you wonder what the future will look like. I have been there. It is tremendously difficult. 

I am so sorry for what you are going through. Your tendency may be to keep looking back and longing for the way things were before this all started, but, Dear One, part of accepting the purpose God has for you right now is to let go of what was. When you let it go you will find yourself able to receive what God wants to give you in this moment: His presence. Because your greatest purpose is to know Him.  

Jesus laid aside His power. He took on a place of humility. “...he took the humble position of a slave...”  For Jesus, part of staying focused was laying down His own will and desires. In order to make purpose His priority, He had to humble Himself to the Father’s will. The Father’s will involved serving you and me by surrendering His life. His divine power would have enabled Him to save His life, but He humbly submitted Himself. Humility is to set aside me for the sake of you. That’s what Jesus did. 

My natural tendency is toward self-protection and self-preservation. How about you? God designed us that way or we would not last very long on the earth! But when that natural propensity takes precedence over God’s purpose, that’s when I get into trouble. There comes a point where self-protection is no longer appropriate. I have to risk relational rejection in order to to serve someone else. Service and humility supersedes self-protection and self-preservation. That’s what Jesus demonstrated. I need to lay aside me for the sake of you.

That uncertain situation that you are in the middle of, as difficult as it is, is an opportunity to serve. As you submit yourself to the reality of your life as it is, God will show you ways that you can fulfill His will and purpose for you right now. Because part of your purpose is to serve people. 

Jesus lived from our perspective. Jesus entered into our world.  “...[He] was born as a human being.”  Since Jesus’ purpose involved humility and service, He focused on us. He came to earth and experienced what it was like to be human. I imagine that the more time He spent  living as a human, the clearer our need became. He brought His heavenly perspective to His earthly eyes. He saw our need from our vantage point. What amazing love! He already loved us, but experiencing life the way we see it only enhanced that love. What a beautiful gift He gave us!

Your current uncertain situation is your opportunity to experience life from another perspective. Some of the people in your life right now may be pretty difficult to love, but Jesus set you and me an example of how to do it. Learn to see life from their perspective. Enter into their world, not their sin, but their way of seeing life. Learn to understand where they are coming from and you will have a better understanding of what they need. 

This is a big challenge and probably one of the most difficult examples Jesus set for us. But, your purpose involves loving  the people God has put inside your circle of influence, even that person who has hurt you so deeply by their choices. 

Dear Friend, you are living in a time of uncertainty. That is absolutely certain. Yet, in the midst of it, I pray that you will let go of what was so that you can experience God’s presence, lay aside yourself so that you can serve others, and that you.will live a bit looking from their perspective so that you can love them better. It isn’t easy, I know. But since Jesus has been there, He will help you through it. His grace is enough. 

Key thought: In a season of uncertainty: Let Go. Lay aside. Live with perspective..  

A Scripture to consider: “Instead, he gave up his divine privileges; he took the humble position of a slave and was born as a human being. ‭Philippians‬ ‭2:7‬ ‭NLT‬

A YES challenge: Think of one person who is adding to your season of uncertainty. How can you let go of what was, serve then and enter life from their perspective? What is one action you can take today?

Prayer: Thank You, Jesus, for Your tremendous love. Thank You for laying aside what was rightfully Yours, for taking on a place of humility and service and for entering into my world. It is hard to imagine all that it cost You to stay focused on purpose in the midst of uncertainty. Thank You for setting an example for me to follow. I need Your grace in order to follow it. Amen.