“Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 NLT
Here in the U.S. November reminds us to be thankful. You may think I chose the verse above due to the Thanksgiving holiday. You are partially right but not completely. I have had a weekly reminder of this verse popping up on my phone since January of this year.
My word for the year has been Joy. In January I chose some verses to support that theme and help me meditate on the meaning of Joy in my life so that I can apply it. I am still trying to distill the lessons that meditation has taught me. Do you mind if I process with you?
This verse helps me know a few things about Joy.
Joy is a choice. I can always choose to be joyful. 2024 America is a feelings-based culture. Advertising is designed to appeal to our feelings. People often disregard logic and make decisions based on feelings. Their logic boils down to the conclusion that feelings affirm what is true. But feelings aren’t always a good indicator of truth. That’s what makes the Word of God so important. Like a compass in the hands of a ship’s navigator, we need something to keep us headed in the right direction when we can’t see. A compass always points north. Always.
You and I can choose joy because God never changes. I can choose joy because I know what is true. He is. He was. He ever shall be. And I get to walk through it all with the One who never changes regardless of my feelings. I can choose joy. And so can you.
Joy results when I bring my concerns to God in prayer. I can choose to never stop praying. I like to think of prayer as a continual conversation with God. Whatever is happening now, I can talk to God about it. I don’t know how, but it has become a habit. I give thanks for the parking spot or ask Him how to figure out the issue with my computer. I don’t always remember to pray first, but in moments of struggle, confusion, or excitement it doesn’t take long before I ask God for help or thank Him. Those quick prayer responses are like a key to open the door to God’s presence. Joy is in His presence. That is where I want to be. So, I will choose to keep on praying small prayers as well as longer ones.
Joy proceeds from thankfulness. I can always choose to be thankful. Thanksgiving Day is a calendared reminder to choose thankfulness. Every fourth Thursday of November our entire nation steps back to recall all we have to be thankful for. But one day a year is not enough. If you and I want to obey God’s command and live a life of joy, we must choose thankfulness every day.
I tend to be a positive person. It wasn’t always that way. As a college student, I found myself miserable and focused on all that was not going my way. In a moment of revelation, I realized that was a choice and decided to give up being miserable. I began to choose a more positive outlook and have never turned back. I’ve had to find the balance between false positive and reality, but I have learned to choose thankfulness. I am thankful I’ve learned to be thankful!
Dear Friend, I never want to minimize the reality of your pain and struggles. Your burdens are real. What I want to do is encourage you to walk closely with Jesus through your challenges. One way to do that is to always choose to be joyful, never stop choosing to pray, and choose to be thankful. Blessings, Friend!
Key Question: How can I stay connected to Jesus?
A Scripture to Consider: “Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 NLT
A YES Challenge: Stop and consider your outlook. If you tend to be negative, determine to choose thankfulness and joy. Choose one thing to be thankful for and concentrate on that. Bring your thankfulness to God in prayer.
Prayer: Father, I don’t want to drift away from You. I want to follow Your command to always be joyful. Help me authentically choose joy, to pray, and be thankful. You are my source of joy regardless of what challenges I experience. Help me to open the door to Your presence with thankfulness because joy is found in Your presence. Amen.