The YES Adventure

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What Do You Want? Productivity or Fruitfulness?

 “Don’t live carelessly, unthinkingly. Make sure you understand what the Master wants.” Ephesians 5:17 MSG

 What do you really want to accomplish with your time and how will you know when you are accomplishing it? Are you managing your time so that you are fulfilling your purpose?

Here’s a revelation for evaluating your time management. Time management is not about getting more done. Wow! How’s that for a shocker? That contradicts so much of the internet’s time management advice. So, what does it mean to manage time well?

Using time well isn’t just about being productive, it’s about being fruitful. The Industrial Revolution changed the way people think about productivity. Instead of the fruitfulness associated with an abundant harvest, as our agricultural-based society of the past viewed it, it became about doing and making more.

Fruitfulness depends on factors outside human control. It depends on factors that only God controls. Productivity is all about self-reliance and man-made options. Productivity treats people like machines that exist to make more. Fruitfulness is about fulfilling a God-designed pattern to the fullest— seed, soil, sun, rain, growth, harvest. There are few things that humans can do to control those. We can only add to what depends on the God who controls nature. Fruitfulness has to do with growth and purpose.

Time management from a fruitfulness perspective is about growth rather than productivity. It’s about becoming not doing. It is about aligning with the purpose you were created for, not just getting more done. It’s about planning to do the things that cause you to flourish.

Flourishing involves the whole self. Too many productivity hacks masquerading as time management tips are about getting more work done rather than living a well-rounded life. To flourish means to be fulfilled. To be fulfilled is to live according to design and purpose. Wouldn’t you rather be fruitful than productive?

Dear Friend, simply managing your time to get more done will never be fulfilling. You may be satisfied, feeling like you have accomplished something. But you won’t be fulfilled. That comes from living according to your God-designed purpose. I want you to flourish! To be fulfilled. To live out the purpose God has designed you for. Are you ready to be fruitful?

Key Question: Do you manage your time to be productive or fruitful?

A Scripture to Consider:Don’t live carelessly, unthinkingly. Make sure you understand what the Master wants. “  Ephesians 5:17 MSG

A YES Challenge: Set aside a few minutes to evaluate your thinking about time management. What guides your schedule? What is one thing you can change today that will lead to greater fruitfulness?

Prayer: Father, thank You for creating me! You designed me to bear fruit that will last for Your honor and glory. Guide me as I re-evaluate how I plan my time. I don’t want to just get more done. I want to do the things that lead to fruitfulness and fulfillment of Your purpose for me. My life belongs to You. Amen.