The YES Adventure

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Small Changes, Big Payoff

“What is impossible for people is possible with God.” Luke 18:27 NLT

 How intentional are you with your rhythms? You have rhythms. Routines, if you prefer. I wanted to avoid using that word. “Routines” carries the context of mundane, repeated, boring. But here’s the thing about intentional routines. They are designed, not haphazard. And they are designed with goals in mind. Intentional routines —rhythms— are strategically designed with an end in mind. These rhythms are put in place as guardrails to keep you on the road toward achieving your goals, discovering YOUR more, and fulfilling your divine potential. There is nothing boring or mundane about these repetitive activities! They are all about forward motion, not mere maintenance. So, how intentional are you with your rhythms?

Intentional rhythms are exciting and productive. They are worth taking the time to design. So, think about those goals you took the time to set and the new habits you want to introduce. Now is the time to design the rhythm where those habits will fit into your life. Start with just one area you want to work on. Taking action on your dreams means having a plan. Small changes have big payoffs. Create small changes in your daily routines to have a big payoff in moving toward achieving your dream.

So, now begin with your morning rhythms. What activities are already in your morning rhythm? Are they arranged in the best way to make use of your time and help you move toward your goals? Before you add that one new habit, evaluate your current rhythm and rearrange what is needed. Design a rhythm that helps you move forward, then fit that new habit within that design. The goal is forward motion. Always moving forward toward that goal.

I have dreamed of writing a book for years. I wrote an outline and unsuccessfully tried to create a rhythm that gave me time to write.  It just wasn’t working! Then I stumbled upon two different sources that helped me create a rhythm that worked. One suggested writing 15 minutes a day. The other suggested “habit stacking” – adding a new habit alongside an already established habit. This quickly helped me to finish a draft of my long-held dream of writing a book! Wow! Now the work continues toward publishing that dream book. I am using that same strategy and am making progress! Where might you make some small changes for a big payoff?

What about the rhythms of your day? You may have never thought through how you spend your day. How can you be more intentional about the way you arrange your daily tasks? Don’t try to add a lot right now. Just the next right step, right? Recognize and rearrange as needed to help you keep moving forward. You already have a rhythm. Your intent at this point is to be intentional about structuring your rhythm in a way that helps you to move toward your goals.

How do you spend your time after your workday is done? Whether you work at home, from home, or go to an office, you have a post-work rhythm. What do you want to be a part of that time? As a young stay-at-home mom, I decided that I would consider my workday finished once the dinner dishes were done. The rest of the evening was spent with my family, reading stories to my kids before bed and cuddling with my husband on the couch while we watched some TV and relaxed together. There was always going to be more work, but those moments were a treasure I didn’t want to throw away. I intentionally set that time aside so that I could reach a goal. I wanted my family to know that they were my priority and to feel my love. You’ve heard it: How do you spell love? T-I-M-E. I decided to arrange my day so that I could give them that time.

What about you, friend? What intentional shifts can you make in your rhythms so that you are moving forward toward your goals? You have a rhythm. Now, it’s time to make the time to intentionally design your rhythms to achieve what you want to achieve. When will you do this? Make the time now! I know that you can do it!


Key Question: How could you be more intentional with your rhythms so that you can move forward toward your goals?

A Scripture to Consider:  “What is impossible for people is possible with God.” Luke 18:27 NLT

A YES Challenge: Set aside time to review your daily rhythms. What is one change you will make that will help you move forward toward your goal?

Prayer: Father, show me what small change I can make that will help me to move forward in Your purposes for my life. I know that there are big changes I need to make but help me to see a small change that I can implement now that will make a big payoff toward Your purpose for me. Amen.