“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” John 15:5 NIV
Would you say that your life is in balance? Where do you spend your most thought and energy? Where would you like to be spending your energy? What area needs your attention?
If I find I am obsessing over certain details of my life, then I need to remind myself that I have lost my balance. You know what I mean. You lie awake while your brain is trying to solve a problem, or put a relationship back together, or put things in order that are really out of your control. Believe me, I have been there. In fact, I have been there VERY recently. Okay, it was today!
What I have learned is that if something is out of balance, there is a good chance that I am attempting to do it in my own strength. When I make Jesus the center of that situation, then I know what requires my effort and attention. When something is out of balance in my life, I need to step back and evaluate if I am staying connected to Jesus. Am I relying on His strength or depending on my own? Am I deciding what I think is best without reference to to His Word and His Spirit?
How can I put Jesus at the center of everything? What does balance really look like anyway?
One of the most helpful things I heard in all of my education for ministry credentials came from one of my teachers. It wasn’t in the assigned curriculum, and I can’t remember which teacher said it. But this concept changed how I approach priorities. It is the key that helps me find my balance.
We tend to think of priorities in a linear fashion. It is a very western approach. You know what I mean. “God first, then my family, then…” The teacher used the white board and wrote JESUS in the center. He said that when Jesus is at the center, He will show us where to focus our attention at any given time. There may be times when my family should be my focus. There may be times when my ministry receives greater focus. There may be times when I need to spend more energy on my physical or mental health or finances. If Jesus is the center of my life, then He will show me the right thing at the right time. Jesus at the center is the key to balance.
Find your balance by finding your center. What area of your life seems to be out of control and weighing heavy on you? That is an area that is out of balance. How can you find your center?
One thing that has helped me is to seek God for a Scripture that speaks to that area of life. If finances are weighing on me, then I find scriptures that speak about God’s provision. (Mt 6:33, Phil 4:19) If I am struggling to find peace as I wonder how circumstances are going to play out, I look up words that remind me to trust in Him (Isaiah 26:3, Proverbs 3:5-6) If I am struggling over a family relationship, then I remind myself that love is what matters most and ask what love looks like in that situation. (Galatians 5:6, Mark 12: 29-31)
Here’s the thing: Any area where I am focused on trying to solve the problem or smooth out the situation is an area that is out of balance. When I put Jesus back in the center of that area the angst settles, and I can wait for Him to speak. When He does, I can see clearly what He is asking of me, and I receive the grace to do it. When Jesus is at the center, I am in balance.
Balance does not mean everything is even. When you envision an old-fashioned scale, balance means both sides are even. If we think of our priorities in a linear fashion, we imagine everything being equal and lined up one after the other. But if balance is about being centered, then the majority of weight is in the center, and I can focus on one area more than another without being out of balance.
Jesus at my center means that He reveals where I need to pay more attention. My weight is on Him and He helps me to care for the area He highlights. The other areas will receive the attention they need at the right time.
Trying to spin all the plates at the same time and keep everything going at the same speed just doesn’t work. Find your center and ask Him where He wants you to focus. That keeps you in balance. You can do it. Isn’t that so much more doable than trying to keep everything even?
Balance requires constant re-evaluation. Because you can’t keep everything at the same level all the time, you need to constantly be re-centering. Keeping your balance requires constant re-evaluation. Keep checking back to center and ask Him where you need to spend your thoughts, energy and time. The courage and wisdom to tackle each issue comes from the center. He will show you the right thing at the right time. Stay open to the Spirit’s prompting to shift your focus while keeping your weight on Jesus.
Dear Friend, balance is not easy, but it is doable. If you and I can remind ourselves to find our center, focus on what the Spirit says and be ready to re-evaluate we will find our balance and move forward with grace and peace. You can do it! You can find your balance with Jesus at the center.
Key Question: What does balance look like?
A Scripture to Consider: “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” John 15:5 NIV
A YES Challenge: Look at your schedule and evaluate where you are spending most of your energy. Prayerfully consider if that area is out of balance. What steps can you take to make Jesus the center of that life area?
Prayer: Lord, I realize that I tend to pay attention to certain areas of my life more than others. Help me to understand myself. Help me to see what needs to change so that I can make You my true center. I want to rely on You to show me where I need to focus my attention and energy so that I keep You at the center. I need Your guidance by Your Spirit. Amen.