This current world crisis has produced another interesting whirlwind. In the midst of all the sorrow and grief and anxiety, we find thousands of people stuck at home, separated from their normal lives and looking for a way to fill their time and thoughts.
Many people, regardless of their faith journey, are attempting to use their time to help others. Certainly a worthy goal. However, the result is dozens of emails and social media posts offering "help" in the current crisis. Help for doing ministry or dealing with anxiety or staying safe or activities or purchases to help keep me occupied while I am stuck at home.
Normally, I would comb through all these messages to make sure that I don’t miss something that could be truly helpful so that I can pass it on to someone else. Part of my make-up is to be a researcher and a resourcer. The glut of “help” has made my head spin! My internal pull to check everything out, and the underlying awareness that I don’t have the time or the brain power to do so causes a tension. I have decided to limit my inbox and energy to just a few trustworthy sources to reduce overwhelm!
How are you handling all this “help”? What is your go-to source for encouragement and wisdom? May I suggest making the Scripture your first source? I try, not always successfully, to spend time in Scripture before I check email or news or social media. In order to truly receive my help from the Lord, I need to take time to think deeply on His Word, not just take it in.
In the last post I offered you the “Pick One” method of devotional Bible study as a way to look to the Scripture to sustain you and help you process the Truth for yourself. In this post, I want to demonstrate it. I have chosen a Scripture that has often encouraged me and that I have recently seen posted as an encouragement on social media.
Let’s apply the Pick One method to John 16:33: “I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” We have picked one verse. That is step one. Get out your Bible and let’s do this together!
1. Pick One: “I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 NLT. Write the verse out in your journal or on a piece of paper.
2. Ponder it: This is where we think about the meaning of the words in the verse itself. I like the New Living Translation so my words may be slightly different than yours. The meaning should be the same.
In looking at the verse, what words or concepts stand out to you? Choose two or three, circle them and spend some time thinking about the meaning of those words or phrases. You may want to look them up in a dictionary. I looked a few up online.
Take heart: to receive courage or comfort from some fact, Be confident, Be brave
Overcome: to:succeed in dealing with (a problem or difficulty); defeat (an opponent); prevail.
Jesus is telling his disciples to have courage in the face of trouble and to be confident that He is dealing with the troubles they will face.
3. Paraphrase it: Now write the verse out in your own words. Here is my paraphrase of John 16:33:
I have told you the truth about all this so that You will keep your confidence in Me. Here on earth, troubles and sorrows are normal because of sin. But be encouraged and confident because I have dealt with the problem of sin and prevailed! One day all of this struggle will be over.
4. Pray It: Take some time to pray the verse back to God.
Lord, this world is hard. There are more troubles and sorrows than I know how to deal with at times, especially now. But You have prevailed over the problem of sin and heaven is waiting for me and all who believe. There will be no trouble or sorrow there, only joy in Your presence. Thank You, Lord!
5. Praise Him: As we interact with God’s Word our hearts fill up with gratefulness and an awareness of His presence. Take a few minutes to just enjoy His presence and thank Him.
Lord, You are good. Your love endures for ever. Thank You for never changing in the midst of earthly trials and sorrow. I love You Lord, Amen.
How did that go for you? Now you and I have some thoughts to take with us, to help us in our day. Because we have taken time to let His words go more deeply into us, we will find them coming back to us throughout the day. You may even come to a deeper understanding at a moment when you aren’t expecting it.
In this time of trial, God’s Word gives the best help we can receive. His Word reminds us that God’s character is fixed. His Word is the Word of hope. Although we don’t understand everything about Him and never will, He is the one that never changes. He is our firm foundation. He has overcome all of this and opened the way to heaven. Be encouraged!
Key thought: Taking time to think deeply on God’s Word keeps me anchored in Him.
A Scripture to consider: “I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 NLT
A YES challenge: Try the Pick One method at least once this week and allow God’s Word to speak to you.
Prayer: Father, You are the One who never changes. Thank You for leaving us Your Word so that I can stay connected to the truth of who You are. Guide me as I spend time thinking deeply on Your Word. May Your Holy Spirit guide my thoughts. Amen.